
Showing posts from August, 2013

Never Give Up !

Life has it's ups and downs and people may say you can't live your dreams but is that really true? because if you try hard and do whatever it takes maybe you'll be able to live your dreams and  life you want to live. Think about it this way if your dreams don't scared they're not big enough. What I am trying to say is some simple things may be really scary for you to do (talking to others and other things) but you can't let them get in the way of your dreams and life but if you don't succeed the first  time try, try ,try again until you do never give up on something you know you can do. Just live life to the fullest and if you want help talk to people like your friends and your family and me if you really want to. But if you find something really hard don't give up try again and you may surprise  yourself even if you think you can't do something have ago you may surprise yourself just have hope!!  

I am still here

I haven't done a blog post in a long time but I'm still here i just don't really know what to do posts about if you really want me to write a blog post about anything or you just want someone to have a chat i would love that! So I just want to leave you with a quote/picture so here you go and I hope you all have a lovely day! talk to you in my next posted