
Showing posts from January, 2014

Dealing with homework/work

so I hate being in year 11 so much work and homework but it's got to be done so here are my top tips for dealing with homework/work In school alway have a pair of headphones on you I keep some in my bag thing is just to listen to music while doing you work but of course ask your teacher. If you are not alone music on then start to sing songs that are in the charts or just song you just made up. when you are at home doing work have music on as long as you are doing your work you can jam out and sing along to you favorites songs. Have tv on any channel you want. DON'T LEAVE IT ALL TILL THE LAST MINUTE (not that I can say much) but if you leave it all till have last minute you are going to be so stressed and that is not going to be fun.   

Iiving without internet

last night our internet when down and I saw how much I can't live without the internet and I think that really bad but it's still not going to stop going on it everyday which is still probably really bad but I feel like on every network there will be someone would want to talk to you and like for who you are but you will never meet these people like youtubers (this maybe sad) but I feel like I can talk to them if I every needed to even though I don't know them they will try and help some way. If we did have the internet we would never have this :) I still will tell my friend thing but maybe you need to tell someone else because it's about them or you just feel like you will be judge if you tell your friends.

New year

so it's a new year and a new start and i don't really know what to blog about so if you have any idea write them in the comments or just write the thing you would like to read