
Showing posts from June, 2015

Everyday makeup

So I start with 2true bb cream in shade 2 (sometime I do put on primer but not most of the time) then i move on to doing my eyebrows first I will brush them through then fill them in with powder from W7 brow bar after that i just put some clear mascara just to set them, after that I will start my eyes which I just use eyeliner (kelly brook liquid eyeliner) sometime I put rose gold colour on my eyelid from the louise young palette then I will put some mascara on my mascara always change at the minute I am using Avon super shock, after that I powder my face with 2true pressed powder in shade 1 next I contour with the contour palette from revolution then from the same palette I use the blush which I apply to the apples of my checks and sweep back after my face is done next is lips and I like  bright lip and my lipstick changes every time but if I don't use lipstick I would use babylips in cherry me or pink shock. I apply all of this using real techniques expert face brush, buffing ...


I have been nominated for Liebster Award by Thank you lauren :D. There are four rules to stick to when you have been nominated: 1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog 2. Answer the questions provided by the nominator 3. Nominate and link ten bloggers that have less than two hundred followers 4. Create 10 questions for the nominees to answer. Why did you start your blog? i started blogging because i was bored one day and i was watching youtube videos about it also i needed some where i could say what i feel without feel like i have said something wrong What is your favourite type of post to do? reviews (even though i have only done one) Who is your favourite celebrity? 5 seconds of summer (i know it say one but i can't choose) A fact about yourself? i have never been on a plane  Lipstick or Lipgloss? lipstick What is your make up must have? mascara What is your favourite make up bra...

Skin And Hair Care

  I thought I should put my skin and hair care together because I don't do a lot so here we go.... Skin Care- (I mostly do this at night) To take my make-up off I use Garnier micellar cleansing water which I love it's so easy to take eyeliner and mascara and leaves you feeling refreshed but on the lazy day and day where I only have mascara I use make-up wipe any kind. Then if i have any spots I will use simple spotless skin rapid action spot zapper, after that i will use argan oil night repair serum after applying I leave my skin and add babylips to my lips then to finish off my skin I will use simple kind to skin replenishing rich moisturiser that will leave the skin fresh and clean. Hair Care- First  I wash my hair with vosene 2 in 1 anti-dandruff shampoo & conditioner this leave my hair soft and smooth but my hair can get very dry so I also use argan oil hydrating hair mark that leaves my hair smooth and not dry at all I then brush my hair from bottom to top...

Not sure what to blog about so here (sorry it's not good)

So this week I didn't know what to blog about so i'm just going to tell you what I have been thinking. So first i'm still thinking about starting a youtube channel about beauty and other things also I think it's time to clean my room and I really want to do a little D.I.Y. but I don't really know what to do. Finally I finished all my assessments this week for college so I only have to do salon manager for 1/2 day and then just paperwork so I can get signed off for this year. This is all I have for this week not sure what to blog about so if you have any ideas let me know sorry this is probably not the best back to normal soon.