I have been nominated for Liebster Award by you lauren :D.
There are four rules to stick to when you have been nominated:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
2. Answer the questions provided by the nominator
3. Nominate and link ten bloggers that have less than two hundred followers
4. Create 10 questions for the nominees to answer.
  1. Why did you start your blog? i started blogging because i was bored one day and i was watching youtube videos about it also i needed some where i could say what i feel without feel like i have said something wrong
  2. What is your favourite type of post to do? reviews (even though i have only done one)
  3. Who is your favourite celebrity? 5 seconds of summer (i know it say one but i can't choose)
  4. A fact about yourself? i have never been on a plane 
  5. Lipstick or Lipgloss? lipstick
  6. What is your make up must have? mascara
  7. What is your favourite make up brand? 2true
  8. What is your dream job? working as a celebrities beauty therapist or make-up artist 
  9. Tea or Coffee?i do like hot drink but if i had to have one tea
  10. What is your favourite clothing brand? i don't really have a favourite brand but my favourite shop is new look
I nominate :

  1. How long has your blog been running?
  2. Why you made a blog?
  3. 10 beauty products you would take on holiday?
  4. What are your goals in life/where do you picture yourself in 5-10 years?
  5. Fact about yourself?
  6. 5 reason why you think people should start blogging?
  7. Dream job?
  8. Dream holiday?
  9. Flats or high heels?
  10. Jeans or leggings
Image result for LIEBSTER AWARD
Have fun! and I can't wait to see your answers :)


  1. Gurl if you love to do reviews,you should definitely do more!! I'd love to read em! x
    You've never been on a plane?! wow,that's insane! Hope ya get to go on one one day,if ya want to haha xx

    That's such an awesome goal gal!! I'm sure you'll get there if ya keep doing what you're passionate about! x

    thanks for the nomination lovely!!! Seriously it was so cool of you! awesome questions! and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to do but my post is up now!!

    have an amazing day beautiful xxx

  2. I am trying to do more review but I never know what to review, haha I really do want to go on a plane someday, and that ok I like doing thing like this you get to know a lot about someone :)
    I hope you're having a good day

    1. That's awesome then!! and you can review literally anything! beauty products you've been loving,hating,tv shows,a movie,a song,a game,a book,a drink,whatever ya like! can't wait to see some of your reviews and just posts in general when ya post! xxx

      Yeah!! definitely they're really cool! Hope you liked my post! and thankyou so much lovely xoxox

  3. Thanks you that really helpful and no problem :) xxxx


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