Over-think, Worry, Panic!

This wasn't want I was plan to post this has happened the other day and  well  I couldn't really sleep.

So I was just laying in bed trying to fall asleep and then it happened I was think about college and then I started over thinking and that made me worry and then panic and this isn't then first time it has happened but it's the first time in a while and I just feel like there something I should be doing but I can't I worry about the things I have no control over or thing that need to be done in a set time and it's closer and closer to the deadline and I just panic that I will not finish these things on time.

I don't know why it happens it but it does.

that's all i have to say but have you ever had sometime like this?

Next week there will be some kind of review so look forward to that and i talk to you next week  :)


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