I can't wait till it's over

when I go back to college we have about 13 weeks to do everything work experience, assignments, assessments. I don't think I am ever going to pass I can't do this these so much to do in so little time the only thing getting me though is that after this I am in the real world but I will miss not see everyone most day and I probably will not know what to do with myself most days but when I go back I have a maths exam which is the same week as my driving test and then then next week I have english exam and then I have an beauty exam and another english exam sometime after that but these is just so much going on and i just can't wait till all the stress is over.

I am just getting myself stressed and worked up over this and I know I probably should but how can I not. Somedays I just fear talking to new people and I don't why but that doesn't help me because that is what I have to do for every client. Before I started college I got today beauty wasn't for me I was so quite and I feared people talking to people I still do but I have got better but I still have that fear and it's not going to go away anytime soon but it just makes everything harder I feel like I can't tell anyone or talk to anyone because I just feel they can't do anything so I just bottle it up.

anyway that is everything for today i have kind if put a downer on today already but I will see you next time and hopefully it will not be a put down on your day  :) xxx


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