Letter to future me.... (2016) (very late)

This year has been crazy but I loved every moment the 1st thing that comes to mind is finishing level 3 beauty and moving on to media makeup... the second thing is starting YouTube make my first video this night before summer in the city. Then of course it was summer in the city which was the first YouTube event I had been too the first time Me and my friend had meet up after college it was amazing a really good day even though we left early on the way back we said we are going next year and stay the whole weekend as we feel we missed so much on the Sunday and the end of the Saturday and there is talk of some of us going on the Friday if we can. The next thing has to be the sidemen book tour it was an amazing day I meet so many people this day of I meet the sidemen too which I was very nervous and shy and was to scared to say anything really (to the sidemen even thought you probably will not read this I am sorry for being so awkward) but Nando's/ streaks gang was born this day we all had such a laugh and got along so well.

Then on the 29th of September I was added to a group chat called sidegang which then got change to 🐙👌🏻 and now it the squid family and the people in this group are amazing they are always there when I need them if it's deep conversation I need or just help picking a new picture/a laugh. I couldn't be happier I meet these people there just as weird as me (or weirder).

Then it was upload which was sick I would go back to this day, any day if I could have just relive it, it was amazing and i wouldn't change it for the world I meet so many people (like one of my internet friend and some of Nando's gang) everyone misses this day and we all plan to meet up in the new year this time was when to Nando's too but not everyone from Nando's gang could come but we still had a laugh and it was just a very good day (I have vlogged most of these events on my YouTube channel).

Then the 18th of December Nando's gang reunion we miss each other so much we decided we want to see everyone for one more time this year as well as we want to everyone before Christmas to give Christmas cards and presents and explore London as when we go to London we go to events and don't really get to see anything else. So we wanted to take a day to explore and what is better then doing it with Nando's gang and just have a mini photo shoot in London but that is what we do and we will end up in Nando's because what is Nando's gang without Nando's it's just 'gang' which is a bit sad to not have a name really. This day was amazing we had no plan to stick to we just went wherever we wanted and it was nice just to have a day to hang out and not be waiting to meet youtuber three people did vlog this day me included but my laptop keeps crashing so I can't upload it at the minute ( but it will be u asap)

My questions for last year:

Here is some question for future me:
Are you still working at Costa? Yes
Have you got a boyfriend yet? No
Can you drive yet(but not as a learner)? No yet test is booked for a 3rd time for the 18th on January
What do you do now with your life(still at college)? Still at college doing media makeup
Still friends with Lauren and Alice(I hope so)? Yes I don't think I could live without them.

My questions for next year(some of them might be the same):

Are you still working at costa?
Can you drive(on your own)?
What do you do now with your life?
Do you still see Nando's gang?
Have you met any of the squid family (other then Amy) yet?
How YouTube going?
How's Alice is she good? ( you spend most of your time with her at the minute at college/at her house because London)


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